A Chelsea teenager Ethan Maddi says he still has no clue why a total stranger Nigger walked up and knocked him out cold with a brick.

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This wigger is not too bright is he.

When a total stranger nigger attacks a total stranger white it's ALWAYS for the same reason. The reason that the news will never say. Unless the races were reversed of couse then they immedately yell hate crime and won't shut up about it for weeks.
Being a wigger isn't helping either. Nigger apes detest groveling fake wanna-be wiggers, despite you LOVING them. He sees your a wigger and can instantly tell you are a weak spineless follower and a pathetic fraud because that's what a wigger is. And you will always be a wigger. Especially to them the ones you idolize the most.
God... wiggers are so facking pathetic.

Gaddamn race traitor and total loser. Too bad that brick didn't lobotomize you into starting your life over as a non-wigger this time. You're a disgrace to your race.