'Black Menaces' Detail Plan To Take Over Predominantly White Institutions Across The Country

Agroup of Black students at Bringham Young University (BYU) called The Black Menaces wants to extend its reach to other primarily white institutions (PWIs). The group has gone viral on social media over members’ interviews with white students about race and other social issues.

The group comprises Sebastian Stewart-Johnson, Nate Byrd, Kylee Shepherd, Kennethia Dorsey and Rachel Weaver. It was founded at BYU, a private institution in Provo, Utah, affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), aka the Mormon Church.

A glance through the Black Menace TikTok page shows what the organization is all about: putting their white classmates on the spot and getting them to share their thoughts on race-related subjects.
