PBS new Totally retarded niggerfied show about "BLACK HOLES" (lol)

New science show tonight on PBS (Pure Bull Shit) for libtarded boomer oldster women... of course using a retarded negress narrator. PBS is using retarded nigger narrators for EVERY single science show now... and almost every single show (soon). This retarded negress you have to hear her speak, it makes you impatient and stupid to just listen to one sentence the moronic sheboon says. Everything is pronounced very slowly and she's just reading it (barely able to) off a paper when the show tries to imply she is some astrophysicist like the Nigger smokes DeGrasse Tyson. I think that nigger Black Science Man DeGrasse was on there too along with a bunch of total dorks (nearly all women of course since it's PBS), science bitches (literally) lol.

The whole time these libtards are watching it I am thinking wow they are sure assuming a lot from some PICTURES. Black holes are never really proven. But it was all theorised by Steven Hawking who was disabled making him automatically right to Libtards.
Anyways the show was completely and totally false and off base every second of it a basic hypothesis never proven and probably a lie. However that is not really the point. The main point is how they have to use incredibly stupid niggers to promote science to old people just like I have seen them do with kids. To imply that all niggers are science geniuses, ROFL. That could not be more opposite from the truth.
The moronic sheboon peabrained thickskull she-gorilla narrator goes on to say "Black Holes" like a million times and every time I am trying not to snicker as this feminist libtard boomer I know is watching in awe at the smart niggers on TV. You know that black hole is unproven but I know at least two that are not and belonging to the very sheboon that is speaking.... I couln't say that because of the feminist boomer, but I wanted to.

Just then I was thinking we should send a bunch of Niggers into a black hole! And of course the show starts talking about how they don't know where or WHEN anyone would end up, which is the similar simian idea. And I can't help but say out loud, "We gotta send someone INTO a black hole... to see where it goes." And then this libtard guy says "I can think of a few politicians... ", meaning Trump of course, and then "and they're already holes." Which made me laugh since I was at that time thinking of sending niggers into a black hole or maybe into the Sun. For science! And of course I couldn't stop thinking about the Negress narrator talking constantly about getting buggered in her own black hole(s).

So this is the second time I heard this stupid nigger narrator, I think. She says the subject of the show (the word(s)) like over 1000 times per show just to drag it out, the last time I think I heard her say "Feta" (wrong) like 10,000 times, it was some show about the stupid cheese. Now she is saying black holes over and over and over like a moron with autism.

The show's just a bunch of libtards making a bunch of stupid guesses based upon telescope images from MILLIONS OF LIGHT YEARS away. Didn't someone call them out a while ago about this and thats why they had to make this show, to "prove" with libtard logic (aka making stupid shit up on TV) that it, and global heating catastrophe aren't a hoax. Pure Idiocy.
But that's not the point the point is really the nigger narrators on every science show, and nearly every show.
Here just take a look at this stupid Black Holes show.... it's so stupid!
Ugh I just can't stand this idiotic sheboon! She reads at like a preschool level! Ultra low IQ! That's what it reminds me of some stupid Kindergarten phonics record some teacher played to the class for the dumb kids that parent never taught them to speak correctly! Maybe she is from Sesame Street! LOL, I wouldn't be surprised.


You thought I was exaggerating till you watched it, huh?

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Nigger narrators are frikkin STUPID. Just another way they're trying to force niggers on your kids, low IQ relatives, and you.
Just notice how often it is also done in coonmercials now. The nigger is getting paid big bucks for this, by these companies.
Notice how often it is done in animated cartoons as some cartoon character animal with a niggers voice now aimed at your kids...
Shut up, nigger!