Apparently the supreme court has been conspiring to make abortion for groids illegal. I'm guessing that republicans are behind this since democrats (oddly enough) support the idea of murdering niglets while they are still in their mammy's bowels. While on the one hand, banning abortion would diminish justification for replacement migration (endorsed by the United Nations, unlike the Great Replacement, which is said to be a schizo conspiracy theory) since it would naturally increase the human population, there is also the risk of an increased negro population. This potential decision also has the potential to undermine "great" leaders, like Martin Luther King Jr, who was one of the earliest people to encourage niggers to abort their children en masse (and was a winner of a Planned Parenthood award).

Personally, I think abortion should remain legal for humans as an option (like if they are raped by a nigger, or if no other surgical procedure would be capable of preserving the mother's life), and mandatory for all niggers under the age of 18, and mandatory for all niggers that already have one child.

Every nigger that is aborted is one less criminal, one less welfare recipient, one less parasite, and one less nigger in the USA.