I don't know what I am supposed to think of this one:
Biden’s planned ban on menthol cigarettes divides Black Americans
On one hand, I absolutely don't care what niggers do or do not like. But it is still interesting that they want to ban not cigarettes, but menthol cigarettes.
But on the other hand, the left has no problem whatsoever with hard drugs! Marijuana? Legalize it! Heroin? Decriminalize people (next step probably as well: legalize it). Fentanyl? Oh, it's not that bad. Decriminalize it. And so on.
Liberalism definitely is a mental health problem! (Sometimes I do get the impression that the opposite of "Left wing" is not "Right wing / conservative", but it's more "Left wing ~ purely irrational, just 'feelings' " vs. "Autism" )
