This morning we are heading to a job. My work partner, the crazy Cuban was driving his F250 on I 95 w/your truly riding shotgun(literally!). We are in the fast lane doing about 80 mph. All of a sudden there is a nigger tailgating us. But, we can’t go any faster because we are following the car in front of us.
The dumbass monkey gets in the center lane and then cuts in front of us almost causing an accident. And of course it starts going slow. My partner, the crazy Cuban gets in the center lane and starts swaying into the nigger’s path,then gets in front of the coon while giving it the one finger salute!
Coon was terrified! Now,I’m not exactly happy myself. But it looked like it was over. We drive to our destination and get off the exit. Shiner is right behind us and gets beside us at the light to our left. It rolls down its passenger window and aims an object it’s got in it’s paw at my work partner. At first, I thought the coon had a weapon. So I am out of the passenger side with my hand on my commander,ready to rock! My adrenaline was pumped up and I was preparing for the worst.
False alarm! It was a sail foam in it’s paw and the nigger asked my work partner to describe what he did on the highway. My partner calmly said “You gotta de wrong mang!”. Fucking nigger started going off! “You white mens is tryin to make muh wreck muh shit! And yo boi is ready to kill muh azz!”
We just laughed and drove away. I never had a weapon out and neither of us said anything threatening. Actually my partner is the only one who spoke. Fucking stupid con was trying to set us up so he could post on facespook. We did not go for the bait!