Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
The phenomenon of star worship is a concept that I have never once been able to wrap my head around. There have always been people who have managed to become famous. Some for their talents, some despite the lack thereof. I've never worshiped any of them. Sure, I have been a fan of many in different arenas not confined to the performance stage - Limbaugh, Peart, King Solomon, Thomas Paine and a few others. While I admire their work, I don't wish for a clean spot on the floor in front of them to grovel adoringly at their feet.

Every time that I've turned on the TV and seen fans surrounding the most disgusting pieces of shit begging for some type of holy water to be splashed in their direction in the form of an autograph, a word or even a mere look in their direction, it sickens me. I'll never forget Jacko pulling up to court in a limo to answer charges of child molestation only to be met by swarms of adoring fans and media surrounding him shouting "WE LOVE YOU, MICHAEL!" I had to wonder how many of those idiots would sell their souls or give up a child for him to molest on the spot just for a piece of memorabilia, a picture or a mere acknowledgement of their pathetic existences.
I never understood it either. There are performers I've certainly admired for their talent, but never would I think of stalking them, rummaging through their garbage or standing in line for 10 hours to see them. I wouldn't cross a street for an autograph.

As for Kiddy Diddler Jackscoon - the parents of those children literally pimped them out, accepting money from Jackscoon in exchange for letting him off after him doing god-knows-what to their kids. Sickenng, indeed.

“The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog.”

I'm with Mark on that.