Quote Originally Posted by Jim Crow View Post
Plan to do exactly that!I am leaving tomorrow w/Amtrack autotrain out of Sandford FL. It’s a direct trip to Lawton Virginia,no stops.From there I will have a 5 hour drive to CT in daylight. I won’t carry a firearm on the train. I leave it locked up in the truck. But I do carry a blade I’m handy with,always!
Train ride is always quiet. And since there are no stops,no train stations. Just point A to point B. And it’s always on time!. For the price, it saves me wear n tear on my vehicle and lowers chance of break downs or other risks..Not many niggs either! I’ve been doing this for over 20 years.Always a good trip!
I know where to go and we’re not to in New Haven Connecticut. The only problem is wherever you park your vehicle, they may try to break in to steal.So,I have to be careful.No fitness walks or runs at night. Unless you wanna a violent run in with a shiner. They roam around the streets looking for victims to rob when sun goes down.
My sister‘s home is in a decent area. But it’s still in New Haven .She has an alarm and the cameras on her property. But, niggers still try to steal. I think now that my mom is gone, my sister and her husband are thinking about relocating. It sucks having to always have to look out for niggers 24/7!
No shit, they need to leave those niggers FAR behind.
Sounds like a fun trip!