Last week I made a quick stop and got a 2-for-1 encoonter. A giant buck walked in ahead of me, and it ooked something like "Howitgone" to a niggerpotamus waddling out. I don't know if they knew each other, but it would be just like a niggerbuck to try to get its muh dikk on like that with a fine specimen. The niggerpotamus was four feet wide, and walking through the sliding doors in the middle, everyone else had to wait. Come to think of it, it's amazing it was on its own two legs instead of a motorized cart.

As I pulled a shopping cart out of the stack, a fairly pretty brunette gave me a bit of a smile while waiting for her turn. Later I saw her pushing her cart, with a nappy haired niglet, and a filthy buck. Literally filthy, because when the buck passed me, from 5 feet away its nigger stench almost made me vomit. It was the classic "aroma" of nigger BO, feces, urine, and clothes never washed until the mudshark can't stand it. I can almost understand the 300-pound mudsharks being stupid and desperate, but what was wrong with this one? About 5'6", slender, not bad looking at all.