Last night I had the misfortune of an ER visit because I managed to slam my finger in the car door, bad. I definitely needed sutures and the duct tape fix was not gonna get it.

They were busy as hell with patients parked in the hallways and I was put in a room with 6 recliners, all occupied by the time they sat me there.

I almost NEVER see a nigger around here but of course in the chair right next to mine was some 20-something buck, mumbling incoherently and high as fuck. And, he kept throwing his blanket off being butt-naked under it. Eventually the staff came in a jabbed him in his monkey ass with what I could only guess was ketamine.
Anyway, the damn thing finally shut up and went to sleep and began farting.

Imagine if satan had a steady diet of Surströmming and cabbage and let it stew for a week. So help me God I was ready to leave and drive the 40 minutes to a different hospital. The most foul thing I've smelled in 63 years, everyone was complaining till they finally had mercy on is and rolled it away somewhere.