Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
Chimpout, I'm not generally known for my sugar coating. I call them as I see them and I'm usually hated by family and friends for it, if only temporarily, even though I'm almost always proven right in the end. It's a thankless job, being right.

What I will not do is say what I'm thinking publicly - neither will I force it on you if you don't want to hear it. You can PM me for that, if you wish. I have at least learned some degree of discretion when it comes to other peoples situations. In my older years, maybe I'm getting softer, maybe wiser. I don't know - not my call.

The only thing I will say here is to first and foremost get in touch with her airline and try to find out where they are at with the situation. Go to the media. Call the Embassy. Do any of these but DO NOT under any circumstances go to Lagos.

I say again, DO NOT GO TO LAGOS!!!

Financial exsanguination is the most assured outcome but not actually the worst thing that will probably happen to you there.

You MUST NOT let your emotions override your intellect here, my friend.
I think it's too late. Fingers crossed that all goes well!