Boy found dead in Dallas street was kidnapped while he slept, mom says

A 4-year-old boy found dead in a Dallas street was kidnapped while he slept, his distraught mother said.

The boy, who suffered multiple wounds from what police say was an “edged weapon,” was identified Sunday by his mother as Cash Gernon, WFAA reported.

The “happy-go-lucky” boy was sleeping when a suspect, identified by cops as 18-year-old Darriynn Brown, barged into his home through a back door and kidnapped him on Saturday, his mother said.
“We are shocked, we are very angry about what has happened to this small child,” spokesman Albert Martinez told the newspaper.

Brown was busted for evading arrest in late April, the Morning News reported. Court documents show he lived with his parents just a half-mile from where the boy’s body was found. Brown’s stepfather, meanwhile, declined to speak when reached for comment, the newspaper reported.