I posted some of this in another thread but I thought a separate post might be worthy. Perhaps some others here can find some data and make more calculations

If the current population of the USA is 332,526,757 and niggers are about 13%, that means there are about 43,228,478 shiite beasts. A one way ticket to Bangui in Central African Republic costs about $1800 (plus or minus about $200) from Sacramento (probably less from east coast locations). So, the cost of shipping all niggers back would be about $77,811,261,138. So with the annual spending budget, it could easily be done. It would cost a bit more if it were spread out over 5 years due to the birth rate vs. death rate of niggers, inflation rate and fuel market fluctuations. I don't know what the capacity of the US commercial air fleet is so I can't make a calculation of how long it would take, but if military government aircraft were also used, it might take less time and reduce the cost. The cost of sanitizing/refurbishing/replacing all the aircraft after being ghettoized by niggers might need consideration as well.

The $77,811,261,138 would be definitely offset, maybe even a cost savings to human taxpayers, in just a few short years due to the reduction in welfare "gibsme" programs such as food stamps, housing and medical care. Also the savings of not having to house all the niggers at NU and the reduction in the need to rebuild after all the destruction niggers cause due to rioting and general crime. Businesses would flourish without all the shoplifting and schools would be better able to impart knowledge to students. The country would be safer and require less policing (which is currently desired it seems. On a side note, if police are defunded, it only makes sense to fund deporting those who statistically commit most of the crime). Increased efficiency at businesses and public agencies by replacing niggers with humans would be hard to measure, but not impossible. I don't know the expenditure numbers for these factors, so I cannot calculate how long it would be for the benefit of shipping niggers back would be realized. Perhaps someone else is able to find some data and make some calculated projections.

I honestly believe shipping niggers back is simply a wise business decision for the country.