So I was watching a movie earlier. It ended, and I proceeded to head to the kitchen. I look out the window and see a car that was similar to my sister's boyfriends car. I look a little closer only to see two niggers by the car with the hood popped, angled so no one could get in or out. I pretty much immediately got away from the window and headed back to the living room. I was in there for a minute and literally thought to myself "if I get back to the kitchen and they're still there I'm grabbing my gun" but when I returned they had already gone. Now I wouldn't have just gone out guns blazing obviously but I wasn't about to be robbed. I could have seen this as a "let's lure whitey outside so we can rob him when he's dumb enough to offer help" scenario. That was a scary 30 seconds. I'm not sure how long they were out there but that could have ended really badly.