Even as Abrams, and many others, are rooting for the new Batwoman to have a long and successful crimefighting career, there are those online trolls who would prefer to see her fail — the same crowd that previously targeted movies like the 2016 Ghostbusters reboot for taking steps to diversify existing franchises. “I think that’s something they have to work on within themselves, to have such negative energy towards something they haven’t even allowed to exist yet,” Leslie says. “I think that people are going through a lot of pain, and they don’t know how to express themselves. I would love for that to completely go away, but it won’t because we live in a society where pain management is a very difficult thing to process. Until we can really address it within our country, we can’t expect people to address it at home.” Spoken like a true hero.
So it's the same old story, if you don't like the show, you must be racist. The show was already trash just in concept before it was niggerized, like the Ghostbusters reboot was pure trash in story, never mind the casting. It's like taking the old Fresh Kills landfill and dropping a solid ten feet of Texas steer manure on top. It's not like the original condition was anything pleasant, but liberals shit all over it and say it's even better. The Captain Marvel movie was going to be bad enough, but they had to put in a loudmouth she-nig BFF.


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