Dem affletes, deyz golden an sheeeeit.
Louisiana Pediatrician Accused of Punching and Using N-Word While Verbally Assaulting Black Woman Student

Of course they're not telling us what series of events led up to this, just that a Saintly Dindu Nuffins was punched by an evil raycissss Whitey.
The victim’s name hasn’t been released, but NBC News reports that she is on Southern University’s track team and was walking along the lakes near the LSU campus Monday at about 6:55 p.m. when a man punched her in the chest and verbally assaulted her, according to nigger Sgt. L’Jean McKneely Jr. of the Baton Rouge Police Department.

“The suspect quickly ran away from the area after the incident occurred,” McKneely said in a statement accompanied by a photo of McKinney, NBC reports.

Roman Banks, the athletic director at Southern University—a historically Black nigger college—said in a statement that the school believes the attack was “racially motivated” and that school officials are “wholly and completely focused on on the safety and wellbeing [sic] of our student athletes an' sheeit muddahfuggah.”
Yep, dems stoodunt affletes. Deyz wutz importint, nots dem edumuhkayshuns!