So I went to a new Dr. yesterday. Good visit, nice new building. All the staff were humans, the doc was great.
So I'm sitting in the waiting room, waiting to get called back for some lab work, and in comes a she boon with her nigger spawn.
First thing I hear is "I didn't know that" (but in nigger speak). Then the receptionist calls back and says Dr. So and so's 9:00 is was 9:25. As the human asks her the typical Covid questions, the boon can't even muster a worded response, just some nigger ooking and eeking.
The boon was dressed in some scrubby old looking pajama pants and slippers! The kind of slippers that are meant for home use, plus it was raining out.
Too much to actually put clothes on?
I feel sorry for the human workers that had to deal with this nigger spawn and it's boon vessel.
Niggers are worthless.