Leaving the gun club this morning at 8:30 AM, an old customer called me and told me that they dropped their toilet lid on the top of the toilet and it was leaking.I instructed them on what toilet to buy, and I headed out to Palm Bay to make quick easy cash.
Anyway, it’s just before lunchtime and we’re heading home .We see a Trump rally in Winn-Dixie shopping center on Malabar Road. My buddy said”pull in”because we knew a couple of guys there from the gun range.All of a sudden two niggers in a little black car pull in and park in the middle of the rally and start blaring some rap music saying fuck Trump and I ain’t no slave.
They were asked politely to leave and started saying fuck you and talking ignorant trash.The niggs were too stupid to realize they were surrounded by probably 1000 armed Trumpers,bu the niggers were lucky, because Trumpers are tolerant and have self control.Anyway,Palm Bay police were there within five minutes.
I was hoping that I would get to see some live electric bullwhip action and a bit of nigger wrangling (never got to actually see it live). But unfortunately, the ape’s cowered when police approached and obeyed orders. I was a bit disappointed and I went home.I would’ve liked to see the niggers pay the price for their ignorance.