See what he got for trying to save his daughter? I'd have disowned her and considered her dead.

The cop would make a huge mistake to take the stand, but I bet if he could tell the full story, it was that the nigger attacked him. Naturally, the fambly is going the dindu nuffins route. They're even comparing this to Rodney King, but you know, I'd accept that. It would mean this was another drugged up, violent nigger that deserved what it got.

Kepler was off duty when he shot 19-year-old Jeremey Lake in August 2014. Lake was walking with Kepler's daughter when Kepler approached them near the home of Lake's aunt. Kepler later claimed Lake was armed and that he was acting in self-defense, but police didn't find a weapon on Lake or at the scene.

While one jury found the 57-year-old former Tulsa police officer guilty of recklessly using a firearm, it was unable to agree on whether that crime led to the far more serious conviction of first-degree murder.
Lawyers for Kepler didn't return several voice messages seeking comment this past week, but during previous trials they pointed out that witnesses gave contradictory testimony. Defense attorney Richard O'Carroll previously has said that Kepler was just trying to protect his daughter, Lisa Kepler, because she had left her father's home and was staying in a crime-ridden neighborhood. The daughter had been in and out of a homeless shelter after her father forbade her from bringing men home at night.