Hello everyone. I feel extremely fortunate to have stumbled across this site. As of lately, my hate for niggers grows at an exponential level on a weekly basis which directly correlates to what is being shoved in our faces on a daily basis 24/7.

As a kid i was taught to not judge and give everyone a chance. I did. That chance for niggers ended from the very first encounter. And every encounter I had since that point in time has proven over and over that the nigger species is a detriment to our society, a virus that is spreading throughout this world right now.

There is nothing positive about a nigger nor does a nigger produce anything that is positive. They are oxygen thieves that contribute nothing to society. Lazy, beligerent, loud mouthed, entitled, ignorant, mentally challenged, etc. Those are just a few of the fine character qualities that the vile nigger exude.

And now, we are on the precipice of a paradigm shift towards a downward trajectory of the social construct that has been built by hardworking White Americans for hundreds of years.

We are being blamed/punished for what makes up the nigger and why it still occupies the gutters of our society and the fact that we have a percentage of white people perpetuating these atrocities, is a catastrophic problem that I cannot grasp.

It's uplifting to find somewhere I can outward my thoughts and feelings towards my hate towards niggers and the destruction they are causing to us. Glad to be aboard. Niggers, take note. Your days are numbered.