A new unit of the FBI is being sworn in in certain cities plagued with violence spilling over from the aftermath of the St. Curious George Floyd problem.

This crime fighting team was ordered to be assembled by President Trump to get control of rioters and protesters in select cities that couldn't seem to get the job done themselves.

This operation, now active in about a dozen cities has arrested dozens of thugs for just about every crime imaginable.

The only thing that could have been done better was its name, "Operation Legend" or sometimes spelled "Operation LeGend".

LeGend Cornholio or something like that was a 4 year old spook kid that caught a stray round in KCMO earning him his wings of black.

President Trump needs some nigger vote, so if he can get some of it by naming a federal operation after a bat winged nigger... and it gets him re-elected, I can live with it.

I suppose it's a win-win for DJT... name a nigger control operation after a nigger
