That vapid celeb Demi Lovato fapped that her "white" skin made her feel guilty over "crimes" committed against her pet apes like George Floyd and Arbery. So the cunts at Yahoo ran with her mindless rant.
“So here I am, sitting in a home that I was able to afford with the money that I have from singing, while people of color are fearing for their lives every day. I realized this was a lightning bolt jolting through my body, where I was reminded of my privilege. I felt an overwhelming responsibility to help spread awareness about this injustice, so I began posting things that I thought would educate people.”
educate yourself, bitch!

But this guy totally trashed her on U Toob:

The irony of it is She is a Mexican. So why doesn't she feel awful over all the 1000s of Mexican mass murderers like the narco gangs, corrupt police and Richard Ramirez?