According to Pew Research
and the U.S. Census Bureau, the nigger population of the United States will remain approximately the same as it is now, all the way to the year 2050!

According to the charts, by 2050 there will be a sizable population growth in the U.S. and thankfully, the nigger population won't be part of it.

Apparently black on black crime is making a difference. Unfortunately, not enough to extinct the species, but enough to keep 'em from multiplying like cockroaches in da pro-jex.

Or maybe it's because the incarceration rate will keep the bucks away from the fertile sows, whatever the case. I'm glad my grandchildren will have the same choice as I have, to live in an all white neighborhood where no monkeyshines occur.

Every ethnic/ethnic mix group will significantly increase, except for the niggers

"Blacks were 13% of the population in 2005 and will be roughly the same proportion in 2050."