So again we have a national retailer who is getting shoplifted the fuck out of by Niggers... this time boosting Nigger hair care products.

So to hold prices down in the act of loss prevention, they locked up all the Nigger hair care products, but chose to leave the shampoo YT uses unlocked, because for some odd reason, which the Fucking Dindus can't figure out, the YT shit gets paid for before leaving the store.

To combat this practice, you have some Coonies trying to get you to sign an online petition to tell this big bad retailer how they be rayciss, and they want the shit unlocked so they can steal it again.

Listen up you Stupid Nog Niggers! If your African American culture wasn't Gibs Me Dat Foe Free, then the store wouldn't have to lock your shit up, would they?

I just can't believe how stupid these coons can be when it comes to loss prevention.

They are going to lock up what gets stolen you black idiots! Start stealing Bakkaballs and you'll see them chained up too!

The funny thing is if you follow the link, scroll to the bottom, and look who has signed their petition, it looks like some Chimpers were there leaving appropriate comments!