Law enforcement officials are urging the Seattle Police Department to retake control of the East Precinct after hundreds of demonstrators overtook Monday the six-block area that surrounds it.

Officers effectively abandoned the area during violent clashes with demonstrators calling to defund the police.

Demonstrators have since set up occupancy in that section of downtown Seattle and have renamed it “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” (CHAZ).

Despite concessions by the city, including a 30-day ban by Mayor Jenny Durkan on officers deploying tear gas to disperse large crowds, as well as police officers shuttering the Third Precinct and retreating from the area, protesters have not shown signs of allowing police back in.
I give them about one month before most of the protesters allow the place to turn into a dystopian nightmare.

Or at the very least, a month before they start complaining about things like electricity, clean water, garbage, sewage, rapes, murder, theft, drug use and abuse, extortion, looting, and muh dik.

Also, it's EXTREMELY curious how a lot of MSM networks are not mentioning this problem.