Ice Cube’s Long, Disturbing History of Anti-Semitism

The C-rapper Ice Cube apparently decided it was the perfect time to unleash a torrent of tinfoil-hat conspiracies—including several anti-Semitic memes suggesting that Jews are fomenting the oppression of black people.

Yes, in between sharing memes positing Marvin the Martian as some sort of harbinger of anti-black racism (an odd claim, given Warner Bros.’ racist TV mascot), and alleging that Europeans destroyed the noses of sphinxes in ancient Egypt (long established as Russian disinformation), the star of Friday offered up a dog-whistle to his 5.3 million Twitter followers: a Star of David enveloping a black cube.

It is hard to give Ice Cube the benefit of the doubt given the fact that his anti-Semitic activities have extended beyond the realm of the internet. He’s an ardent supporter of Louis Farrakhan, one of the world’s most prominent anti-Semites, and, most troubling of all, the rapper and actor was accused in May 2015 of ordering his entourage to beat up a rabbi.
It seems the niggers don't just hate white people.

This reminds me of when prior to COVID-19 niggers were constantly harassing and abusing Jews in the USA. There was even a group of niggers known as the Black Hebrew Israelites, and they openly engaged in terrorist activities.