Been lurking for awhile over at the other site, NM (not sure if allowed to post here maybe it's competition idk) anyways, I found this site after they rejected me for an account there. I am fully against niggers. They are all shit skinned crime hungry apes that are unpredictable, feral and dangerous. I've been trying to get away from them for years.
Recently, an ape impacted my life in a big way. My fiance of 5 years cheated on me with a dirty fat shit skin nigger and we broke up. Now they are engaged and living together. This was the last straw and now I'm fully against niggers. Im rude and short with them in real life now, and I refuse to go near them. At the store when a nigger is cashier I always will wait a minute longer to get a white cashier. I sometimes even make it noticable what I'm doing just to show a point.

I hate niggers.

Also, my name "dindu" is short for "dindu nuffin" which is a niggers catch phrase at police.