A Nigerian footballer has reportedly seen his contract with a European club terminated after impregnating the daughter of the club's president just six months after joining.

The player, whose identity has been withheld amid the media storm that erupted in Slovenia, revealed on condition of anonymity that he was sacked for gross misconduct by a second-division side.

"I signed a three year deal with the option of another year but last month I ran into trouble when my girlfriend who happens to be the daughter of the president said she was pregnant for me," he said, as per CitiSport.
"A week later I was called to the office and told that my agent has been informed about their plans to terminate my contract for gross misconduct and indiscipline.

"The news came to me as a surprise because I have not been found wanting in any area since I arrived at the club six months ago."

According to Nigerian outlet Brilla, the player, who has since returned to his homeland within the ordeal, is considering taking legal action with FIFA on grounds of unfair dismissal.

A second division team in Slovenia has terminated the contract of their Nigerian winger who was signed in the summer after it emerged that he impregnated the daughter of the president of the club

The player (name withheld) has since returned back to Nigeria where he revealed to Mr Mowiz the issue behind the cancellation of his contract six months after he was signed and unveiled by the club.
" I signed a three year deal with the option of another year but last month I ran into trouble when my girlfriend who happens to be the daughter of the president said she was pregnant for me", he said.
" Now I don't know what will happen to her and the child since I'm back in Nigeria. They have forced her to block me on all social media platforms so we have not been communicating. The few friends I made at the club are also scared of speaking to me about her apparently they don't want to run into trouble with the team. I'm confused right now", he concluded.