This nigger stopped short of killing. I guess it's appetite for muh-dik was strong enough to overcome it's violent urge to torture and kill. It realized that if it killed, it would be without something to muh-dik in the future. Amazing because usually niggers don't comprehend the future or the past, only the here and now.

-Registered sex offender raped teen more than 100 times over 4 years
-Longtime boyfriend of the victimized nigglet's mother and lived next door
-Mother sow spoke with police and was “very sarcastic and laughed, asking what allegations was [the nigglet] making now.”
-At one point during the rapey time, the rape ape was worried it had gotten the nigglet pregnant, so it pimped out the nigglet to its son so that it would have plausible deniability

And somehow, libtards claim niggers are, "just like us" 🤮💩