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  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest

    Silly nigger, libraries are for humans!

    Today I had to go to my local library to borrow a book. I really used to enjoy going to the library, but as you can imagine, in the past 5 or so years, it has really gone downhill.
    These days, there are hardly any books to choose from, as most of the allocated money goes toward purchasing DVD's and computers (both of which are nigger magnets).
    As I walked in, there was a large display featuring "books" "written" by a sheboon "author", what an assault to the eyes. Right alongside these "books", there was a poster-sized photo of the tarblack "author"... I mean, this is August, not February (Nigger Make-Believe Month), they are always promoting this garbage.
    The book I needed was shelved in the area where the computer stations are located. Looked like about 20 computers, every last one with a nigger in front of it, and as I walked by, the smell was overwhelming...sort of like warm beer and mothballs. There was one terminal, that had a little sign above it that clearly stated: This computer is reserved for student research and homework only...and wouldn't you know, a grown niggerman was sitting at it...playing a video game. Well, I'm sure he can't read...
    I got my book, and was seized by a coughing fit. Dust? Germs? The niggerstink? Who knows, but fast forward a few hours to right now, and I feel a sore throat coming on. You can't go anywhere anymore...
    As I was heading to the checkout desk, I see another niggerman smoking an e-cigarette at the computers, and the one white employee I see, an elderly woman, walks up and calmly tells it that smoking is not allowed in any form. It replies, "Mannnngggg....f**k you bitch", and continues watching the computer and vaping...
    Luckily, this library has a self check out, so the nigger at the desk doesn't get the chance to mess up the transaction, nor do I have to hand over my library card for it to swipe. In the past, the niggers would catch you at the door if you were returning books, and tell you to jus' set dem on de counter, instead of dropping them in the return slot, for the simple fact that putting them in the return slot would require them to bend over to retrieve them, and this is extra work for a nigger...I made the mistake of doing as they asked several times, and ended up with overdue fines, as I learned later that they would forget which books had been scanned back into the system and which ones had not, so they just put them all back on the shelf.
    So useless, so lazy, so sickening.

  2. #2
    Senior Trustee
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    This is why I prefer e-books or just buying the copy on Amazon. These days the library is where homeless go to shave and niggers go to surf porn.

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    Give humans a pile of bricks and they will build you a city. Give niggers a city and they will build you a pile of bricks.

    Appeasement is feeding the beast, hoping it will eat you last.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Today I had to go to my local library to borrow a book. I really used to enjoy going to the library, but as you can imagine, in the past 5 or so years, it has really gone downhill.
    These days, there are hardly any books to choose from, as most of the allocated money goes toward purchasing DVD's and computers (both of which are nigger magnets).
    As I walked in, there was a large display featuring "books" "written" by a sheboon "author", what an assault to the eyes. Right alongside these "books", there was a poster-sized photo of the tarblack "author"... I mean, this is August, not February (Nigger Make-Believe Month), they are always promoting this garbage.
    The book I needed was shelved in the area where the computer stations are located. Looked like about 20 computers, every last one with a nigger in front of it, and as I walked by, the smell was overwhelming...sort of like warm beer and mothballs. There was one terminal, that had a little sign above it that clearly stated: This computer is reserved for student research and homework only...and wouldn't you know, a grown niggerman was sitting at it...playing a video game. Well, I'm sure he can't read...
    I got my book, and was seized by a coughing fit. Dust? Germs? The niggerstink? Who knows, but fast forward a few hours to right now, and I feel a sore throat coming on. You can't go anywhere anymore...
    As I was heading to the checkout desk, I see another niggerman smoking an e-cigarette at the computers, and the one white employee I see, an elderly woman, walks up and calmly tells it that smoking is not allowed in any form. It replies, "Mannnngggg....f**k you bitch", and continues watching the computer and vaping...
    Luckily, this library has a self check out, so the nigger at the desk doesn't get the chance to mess up the transaction, nor do I have to hand over my library card for it to swipe. In the past, the niggers would catch you at the door if you were returning books, and tell you to jus' set dem on de counter, instead of dropping them in the return slot, for the simple fact that putting them in the return slot would require them to bend over to retrieve them, and this is extra work for a nigger...I made the mistake of doing as they asked several times, and ended up with overdue fines, as I learned later that they would forget which books had been scanned back into the system and which ones had not, so they just put them all back on the shelf.
    So useless, so lazy, so sickening.
    I hate the fact that they are always bix nooding on dey sail fawns!! I'm trying to do research and these USELESS apes never stfu!!!!!!!!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    As I was heading to the checkout desk, I see another niggerman smoking an e-cigarette at the computers, and the one white employee I see, an elderly woman, walks up and calmly tells it that smoking is not allowed in any form. It replies, "Mannnngggg....f**k you bitch", and continues watching the computer and vaping...
    If there is no security at the library then the police should have been called. That nigger needed to be shown the door.
    Niggerloving Joe Biden NOT my president.

    "Blacks have no rights which the white man is bound to respect." - US Supreme Court Justice Roger Taney, 1857

    Black lives DON'T matter. Never did, and never will.

    You can't have law and order and filthy niggers too.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by AFN_Weasel View Post
    If there is no security at the library then the police should have been called. That nigger needed to be shown the door.
    They spent $30million building a library on Rt9 near I-295. The heart of niggerdom. There is always at least one, and usually two county police vehicles in the lot when I drive by. An absolutely disgraceful waste of money. They could have built a jail instead.

    This is the same New Castle County that put up a plaque mourning the lynching of a murdering nigger rapist made good in 1903. Someone rightfully removed that abomination, so they going to spend to make another one to replace it.
    Black privilege is getting to act like a fucking chimp in public and then having the balls to make everybody else apologize.

  6. #6
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    There's an advantage to my two local libraries being underfunded. They have just a few PCs each, and at one library they don't even do more than card index services. This is what you call real libraries, and this is why I can't recall ever running into a nigger at either. I rarely check out books, but I never miss a book sale, always 100% nigger-free.

    One beautiful spring morning I rode my bicycle over, and had I forgotten my bike lock. I wasn't there very long, so no problem, I just left my bike sitting at the front where I could see it. Nobody touched it.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

  7. #7
    SC Anemia
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Sandman View Post
    I rarely check out books, but I never miss a book sale, always 100% nigger-free.
    Oh yeah, book sales are awesome. I never regret spending money on books and make a point of never throwing out old books. I'll donate a few now and then but can't bring myself to toss one out that I've read. Something about that seems like heresy.

    Yup, book sales will always be nigger free events. Like job fairs.

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