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  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest

    Somalicoon Gets Photographed by Victim, Facing Deportation

    32-year-old Mohamud of Somalia raped a woman in a car in Katrineholm. The woman did not know the offender previously but remember his signalement and photographed him during a visit to a pastry shop. Now condemned the African, partly thanks to the photo, a short jail sentence, damages and deportation to Italy.

    The incident occurred December 18, 2016 in a car at the restaurant Olympos on Malmgatan Katrineholm.
    Rough translation. But the gist is, Somalicoon gets to go back to its point of origin in Italy. Where it probably started its invasion.

  2. #2
    Senior Trustee
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    This is Sweden, where niggers and muzzies are given carte blanche and all but invited to rape Swedish women? I'm surprised they didn't throw a dinner for the Somalicoon, one of the lowest of the nigger subspecies.

  3. #3
    Lady Bastille
    Chimpout Guest
    And to which it'll just go to Germany. My Swedish friend told me that the Somalicoon that went on a stabbing spree in an IKEA had already gotten asylum status in Italy, wasn't happy with the welfare payments, and came to Sweden. It took nearly half a year and an independent news interview to ask the shitspawn why he had killed the innocent Swedish woman: she was white, and he wanted a white person to kill.

    IIRC, he was never deported, and given a short sentence. Swedish prisons and Scandinavian prisons in general are known for not taking sentences seriously.

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