It is 100% niggers .
Military can overcome any or all of these advasearies but we are loosing the war against niggers .
The country is allowing niggers to destroy everything with no end in sight. They are winning in so many ways and there are so few of people with the brains to see the real picture . I talk to guys about niggers and some just don't like them but few really understand the depth of the problem . Never Never will any President , congress or laws be able to stop this enabling , coddling excuse making , ass kissing love for niggers. It is up to nature to bless us with a plague that no medical research can find a cure for. I think of this everyday for the future of my grandchildren and everyone that has the common sense to want a better future for their loved ones.
I cannot believe the changes I have seen in my life . When I was a young guy niggers were niggers . Even in high school I saw it and fough it alone. Thankfully there is this site to vent .