Getting back into the swing of things, I stopped off at newer motorcycle shop near where I live. Took out a few Indian models and frankly, I am sold. Best bike out there in the American market, plus the fact that they are almost entirely American made has me sold. Anyway, I was riding a new Chieftain Darkhorse when this jig pulls up to me at the light and yelled something, since I am not an overweight woman or one of it's homies, I just ignored it. It then honked it's horn, at that point I took notice. The nigger said something intelligible, I gave it a funny look and then it struck me what he had said, he was asking me in some primitive language what kind of Harley I was on. I ignored him, got back to the dealership and walked around the bike. He was asking what kind of Harley I was on, yet the bike said "Indian" at least 6 places directly in his line of sight...