Recently my wife got into genealogy since she finally retired from teaching. The other day she was researching one of my great, great, great grandfathers on my grandad's side of the family. She's looking up what she can of him, and low and behold, she finds a list from the mid-1800's of niggers that were auctioned off one day. Looking at the list, there is my great, etc, etc, grandad, and it shows that he paid something like $368 for a nigger boy. Now, back before the Civil War, $368 sounds like a hellava lot of money, especially for a nigger in training!!! (Probably hadn't raped more than 3-4 girls at that point) He must have been one fine mini-buck, with good pickin' hands. You want to know what was really funny as hell? This nigger boy's name was Dorkus. No freaking kidding!! Dorkus. Honest to God. I about fell over laughing. At least it wasn't Tremitrius or some sheeit like that.

As I was looking this list of sales over, I was getting a pretty good idea of your basic fieldhand negro went for. It looked like your basic full grown nigger was $1000. There were lots of niggers listed that went for a grand each. So, as I'm reading all of this, I'm still thinking, "Man, that's a hellava lot of money 200 years ago to pay for a nigger!! What kind of return on investment can you get? Was this nigger worth it? I have come to the conclusion that today's niggers must be all watered down and degraded. I can't imagine there's a nigger today worth more than $100.