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  1. #1
    Don't Question The NewsBot
    LT. Colonel
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    Protesters*Seize Government Building, Hoist Antifa Flag

    The Democrat terrorist group Antifa is on running amok across the country, with the blessing of the Democrat*Party and the fake news media, who refuse to call them out for the violent, anti-free speech thugs they are. Instead, Democrats and the fake media are portraying Antifa, who smash Trump supporters’ heads in with bike locks, as “peaceful counter protest.” Now, an emboldened Antifa is seizing government buildings and hoisting their COMMIE flag. From Leftist “Antifa” protesters stormed a county government building in Minnesota, seized and burned the county flag – then replaced it with an Antifa flag – on


  2. #2
    Senior Trustee
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    Time for Trump to call in Federal troops, armed with live ammo and fixed bayonets to end this kind of shit. The cuck liberal Minnesota governor will do nothing to end this.

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