I can't stand the smell.. It's rancid, like old onions. Why do they all give off that smell?
I can't stand the smell.. It's rancid, like old onions. Why do they all give off that smell?
I don’t get close enough to one of the beasts to be able to smell them these days. But from what I remember when I went to public high school in the late 1970s,niggers smelled like shit! I would avoided the gym locker room!
But, I guess everyone interprets the smell differently. And we agree on one thing, it’s bad! Partially because, they’re not human. That smell is to keep other pieces away in their jungle habitat. And the other reason is because niggers don’t have good hygiene. In reality,niggers Are the nastiest ,stupidest of the animal species! And the most destructive!
I know I have replied to similar questions but I am always happy to help out anyone who asks. The most honest answer I can give to your question is that horrible smell you mention is called NIGGER STINK. It is the most disgusting putrid and nasty and foul odor there is and it comes from niggers. Even the smell of skunks and shit is not as nasty as NIGGER STINK. I remember an old friend rented an apartment to those nasty feral monkeys and they abandoned the place and the power was turned off and the refrigerator was filled with rotting meat and other food and it smelled so bad. But I smelled a pile of their dirty laundry and smelled the NIGGER STINK and it was way nastier then the rotting meat and food. I never smelled anything so bad in my life. I will never rent one of my condos to any niggers no matter what the laws say. They will ruin my place with their odor and they may not pay their rent because they are fucking scumbag thieves and baboon pigs. I would rather not rent my place at all then rent it to niggers and then not be able to get those fowl smelling creatures out of my condo if they decide not to pay their rent and then they say I am racist when I try to evict them. The best advice I can give anyone on this board is DO NOT rent your place to niggers. Their putrid NIGGER STINK odor will be extremely tough to remove or they some of them will not pay their rent.