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  1. #1
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    Poland now shooting muzzie "migrants"

    "If you want to come to Poland, you will be killed."
    That's pretty clear.

    Poland has been declared the safest country in Europe with no Muslims... they have no terrorist attacks, no knife crime
    Poland has never bowed to the wailing Libtards elsewhere who are watching their countries being destroyed and their citizens raped and murdered.

    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

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  3. #2
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    This is too optimistic.

    I doubt there is really no knife crime, Poland has about 50 thousands Gypsies, which is a low number, particularly for a ~35 million nation in eastern Europe, but they for sure generate some knife crime.

    I agree with Polish border policies, but there is also an important factor that keeps migrants off Poland - the living standard in Poland is much lower than in Germany. Any shitskin migrant that manages to get in aims for German gibsmedat and disappears from Poland at its own will as soon as they manage.

    This is actually a hybrid war of Russia using their puppet Belarus to make troubles to Poland to punish them for opposing Russia and supporting Ukraine. Knowing the shitskin migrants are lured to European wealth and they are going to make shit, they are actively assisting them, offering them cheaper alternative than Mediterranean smugglers. They fly them to Belarus, transport them to Polish borders and even assist them to cross - e.g. forming a group that attracts Polish guards while another group sneaks in. Poland understands it as a proxy war with Russia, therefore they are fighting back. If they did not, all those shitskins would just move to Germany through Poland, but Germany might close the border then.

  4. #3
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    Everything comes down to politics and behind-the-scenes maneuvering, but whatever it takes to repel or boot out invading niggers and muzzies is a good thing. Looking at those "migrants" (who seem to be mostly young males) throwing rocks, battering the fences, and mocking the guards is reason enough to mow them down.

    Of course, there's crime in Poland. There is no place that humans inhabit that is devoid of crime but I doubt that, unlike in a major city like London, there are constant Nigerian tribal machete battles on the streets of Krakow, citizens being stabbed and raped regularly, or acts of terrorism being committed.

    Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery
    15.81 Very Low
    Safety in Krakow (Cracow), Poland

    Safety walking alone during daylight
    85.04 Very High
    Safety walking alone during night
    67.03 High
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

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    Mow 'em down, every last one. I don't see a single woman or child, just criminals trying to get a free ride through life with bonus robbery and rape benefits.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nigroids View Post
    Mow 'em down, every last one. I don't see a single woman or child, just criminals trying to get a free ride through life with bonus robbery and rape benefits.
    Those women are not better. I have red an interview with one (in a libtard article about migrant abuse) that she just got her period at that time.
    She used the blood and claimed to Polish guards that she had just spontaneously aborted. They took her to a hospital, where it became apparent she had been lying, but she was already inside Poland. She then disappeared to Germany on her own will.

  9. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by IseDaDiva View Post
    Everything comes down to politics and behind-the-scenes maneuvering, but whatever it takes to repel or boot out invading niggers and muzzies is a good thing. Looking at those "migrants" (who seem to be mostly young males) throwing rocks, battering the fences, and mocking the guards is reason enough to mow them down.

    Of course, there's crime in Poland. There is no place that humans inhabit that is devoid of crime but I doubt that, unlike in a major city like London, there are constant Nigerian tribal machete battles on the streets of Krakow, citizens being stabbed and raped regularly, or acts of terrorism being committed.
    Only western European cities are infested by that scum. Put to the same website, for example, Prague, Budapest, Bucharest and you get pretty similar stats as for Krakow. Yes, there are Gypsies, but they are not in large numbers inside of the major cities. Avoid Gypsy villages and suburbs and you are OK.

    Unfortunately, even eastern European countries have signed those treaties about a right for an asylum, so as soon as shitskin scum from whatever shithole comes and applies, they may stay. I hope a change is coming, as western Europe is clearly decaying under the infestation and people can see it.
    So far, the most effective defense of eastern Europe against shitskin migrant scum is generous gibsmedat in western Europe and lower living standards compared to western Europe.

  10. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nigroids View Post
    Mow 'em down, every last one. I don't see a single woman or child, just criminals trying to get a free ride through life with bonus robbery and rape benefits.
    Shoot each border nigger wherever they scurry in illegally. Break the law, break into a sovereign border of another country without just permission, that's invasion, and invaders need to be shot. Invaders bring nothing but violence, so they must be repelled with force. Invaders rape and pillage, they must be stopped. Our security comes first.

    I've really lost all compassion for border niggers the way I feel about regular black niggers.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

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  12. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
    Shoot each border nigger wherever they scurry in illegally. Break the law, break into a sovereign border of another country without just permission, that's invasion, and invaders need to be shot. Invaders bring nothing but violence, so they must be repelled with force. Invaders rape and pillage, they must be stopped. Our security comes first.

    I've really lost all compassion for border niggers the way I feel about regular black niggers.
    You know how Vlad The Impaler used to keep muzzies out of his country? He used to decapitate them and put their heads on pikes on the border of his country with a sign warning muzzies to stay out. He is said to have impaled over 20,000 mudslimes during his rein.

    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

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  14. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whitey Ford View Post
    You know how Vlad The Impaler used to keep muzzies out of his country? He used to decapitate them and put their heads on pikes on the border of his country with a sign warning muzzies to stay out. He is said to have impaled over 20,000 mudslimes during his rein.

    Vlad had some good policies. As long as you stayed upwind that is. A line of pikes like that across Texas and Arizona would do wonders in the U.S also.
    Last edited by Niggers are Useless; 01-31-2025 at 11:30 PM. Reason: Spelling autocorrect
    What's the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth? About 6 months.
    A Threat to Democracy really means a threat to the American Communist Democrats Power.

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  16. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whitey Ford View Post
    You know how Vlad The Impaler used to keep muzzies out of his country? He used to decapitate them and put their heads on pikes on the border of his country with a sign warning muzzies to stay out. He is said to have impaled over 20,000 mudslimes during his rein.
    Actually, Vlad Tepes / Vlad Dracula / Vlad The Impaler impaled just anyone he did not like. He was not a muzzie fighter as you might think. In fact, he managed to get on his throne with Ottoman support and took refuge in Ottoman Empire at least twice, when he was deposed.
    He actually only started fighting muzzies at some point when he decided stopping paying a tribute to Ottomans.

  17. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
    Shoot each border nigger wherever they scurry in illegally. Break the law, break into a sovereign border of another country without just permission, that's invasion, and invaders need to be shot. Invaders bring nothing but violence, so they must be repelled with force. Invaders rape and pillage, they must be stopped. Our security comes first.

    I've really lost all compassion for border niggers the way I feel about regular black niggers.
    Violence, filth, and from the darkies, deadly diseases like monkeypox, lassa fever, and ebola.

    Immigrants/migrants - whatever Libtards call these invaders to make them sound like something they're not, used to be different. All of our ancestors were immigrants who really did come to our countries "for a better life". They were grateful and to show it they worked hard and expected and got no hand-outs, something you can't say about any nigger, ever. They're just predators and parasites.

    Are these "controversial methods" being used against invaders? I don't think anyone would have said the Russians used controversial methods to repel the German army in WWII. They did what has historically always been done—kept out invaders trying to take over their country by any means necessary.

    Here's what the "peaceful migrants" think of their would-be saviors:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	migrant2-01 114040.jpg 
Views:	24 
Size:	17.4 KB 
ID:	25896
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

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  19. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by IseDaDiva View Post
    That's pretty clear.


    Poland has never bowed to the wailing Libtards elsewhere who are watching their countries being destroyed and their citizens raped and murdered.

    SOOOOOOOOOOO...........................What's the problem?! I never understood why people made jokes about Poles saying that they were stupid. I went to High School with 3 guys from Poland and one got a PHD in Nuclear Physics, one got a Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering and one got a PHD in Math. Every Pole that I knew was quite intelligent and the fact that they DON'T want @$$lifter$ in their country is the MOST intelligent thing about them yet!! Glad that Poland and Hungary don't want @$$lifter$, the REST of Europe could learn a VERY VALUABLE lesson from them!!

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  21. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by IseDaDiva View Post
    Violence, filth, and from the darkies, deadly diseases like monkeypox, lassa fever, and ebola.

    Immigrants/migrants - whatever Libtards call these invaders to make them sound like something they're not, used to be different. All of our ancestors were immigrants who really did come to our countries "for a better life". They were grateful and to show it they worked hard and expected and got no hand-outs, something you can't say about any nigger, ever. They're just predators and parasites.

    Are these "controversial methods" being used against invaders? I don't think anyone would have said the Russians used controversial methods to repel the German army in WWII. They did what has historically always been done—kept out invaders trying to take over their country by any means necessary.

    Here's what the "peaceful migrants" think of their would-be saviors:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	migrant2-01 114040.jpg 
Views:	24 
Size:	17.4 KB 
ID:	25896
    You exactly pointed the difference, your ancestors came for a better life earned THROUGH THEIR HARD WORK (These were immigrants who rewarded both the society and themselves.), today's migrant come for a better life THROUGH GIBSMEDAT (These are immigrants, who parasite on the society for self benefit.).

    As being from different cultural heritage, I do not understand what that gesture in your picture means, could you, please, hint?

  22. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShitSkinScientist View Post
    You exactly pointed the difference, your ancestors came for a better life earned THROUGH THEIR HARD WORK (These were immigrants who rewarded both the society and themselves.), today's migrant come for a better life THROUGH GIBSMEDAT (These are immigrants, who parasite on the society for self benefit.).

    As being from different cultural heritage, I do not understand what that gesture in your picture means, could you, please, hint?
    "Donkey ears": It's a childish gesture, rarely done by adults, similar to sticking out your tongue at someone; "Nyah nyah", or putting your thumb to the end of your nose and waggling your fingers - contempt, derision.
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

  23. #15
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    I like the heads on pikes idea, used to be pretty common in Europe. They should think very seriously about reviving it.

    Another option would be to charge anyone found already within the borders with espionage, and do a quick show trial followed by firing squad. Be sure to get the videos out to the Interwebs.

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