Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer
A Feelz Gud Nigga Chrasmaz Storee With Gibs For All!
‘I thought I wuz gon' faintz’: Nigs given Chrasmus surpriz of a lifetimez
SLUMGOMERY, Ala. (WSFA/Gray News) - After months of hardship and greef an sheetz, a group of south Alabama nigs be feeling de luv as the communiteh surpriz dem with a larger crib and a new van and sheetz.
It’s beenz a ruf year for the family of Lakeshia Johnson, who got batwinged in May from an overdose. It left seven sprogs under the age of 18 cuz it didndonuthin boutz no birf cuntrul.
The hellspawn were shuffled in by Lakeshia Johnson’s mother and sister, who shacked up in a two-bedroom dump with noz heatz or air cunditiunin or sheetz.
“It’s been hard. It’s been tough having to go through our battles with the court system and with DHR,” said drug addicted batwinged Lakeshia Johnson’s sister, Kirsten Johnson.
The family reached out for help, and the cumuniteh respondz and sheetz. David Barranco, a whyte dumbazz owner of Chappy’s Deli, wrote a check to help move the family into a more spacious home cuz he all symperthetic and sheetz to niggers at chrizmas.
To furnish it, A Better Slumgomery organized a GoFundMe. The goal of $5,000 was more than doubled from drug money and sheetz.
“A lotz of whyte peeple alwayz talkin bad about Slumgomery and the worst things about Slumgomery, but if they getz an oppotunitehz tah seez how Slumgomery comes together, this sheetz has been amazog,” said Charles Lee, the nigger founder of the non-profit organization That’s My Child, who helped organize the cummuniteh outreach.
Lakeshia Johnson’s mother and sister got surprize tur of the newly gib filled and furnished dump, where they sawz dozuns of gibs from dumb shitz as well.
Nuthin cud has prepared dem fer whatz came next: a new dope dealing van, donated by Jack Ingram Motors, a local dealership and nigger lovers.
“I thoughtz I were gon faint,” Kirsten Johnson said (with a nig chuckle). “I don haz ta payz for no Uber or Lyft no mo. The sprogs don’t have to walk back and forth to be hellionz at school anymo in de cold and sheetz.”
Christmas is known as the seazon of gibs and sheetz, and this seazon is one the dope addicted nigger Johnson family will never forget.
MERRY CHRIZMUS AND SHEETZ to all freeloadin drug sucking niggers everwher !!!!!! 
Actively trying to avoid worthless niggers daily. Get Nigs OUT of the United States NOW!
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Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer
Smack overdose + seven abandoned niglets = free home, furniture, and car. Not too shabby!
"They is four things that can destroy the earth. Women, whiskey, money, and niggers."
- Blood Meridian
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Senior Trustee
LT. Colonel
It’s been a rough year for the family of the nasty, hypersexual, addict sow, Lakeshia Johnson, who died unexpectedly in May from an overdose. She left behind seven niglets under the age of 18.
Is it really "unexpected" when a nigger drugs itself to deff? I guess the mammy didn't have life insurance to provide for the niglets she shat out? I'm shocked.
Such tragedy. Where can I donate to support the crotch droppings of this drugged-up filthy sow, who spread for who-knows-how many muh dikkin' bucks?
"Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."
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Senior Corrections Officer
That’s too bad. Now the nigs have a free white women abduction van and a house that will need to be burned to get rid of the smell.
Maybe they will fry up a free Christmas turkey and give the fire department something to do. Sad that I work so hard for what I got when all it takes is an overdose and a pile of liberal guilt to get what normal humans work for everyday.
Niggers are useless. But man are they good at gibs me dat.
What's the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth? About 6 months.
A Threat to Democracy really means a threat to the American Communist Democrats Power.
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Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer
I’d gladly support every nigger brood receiving a free hut and hooptie provided they had to leave our fine shores permanently and take possession in Africa.
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Senior Trustee
LT. Colonel

Originally Posted by
Niggers are Useless
That’s too bad. Now the nigs have a free white women abduction van and a house that will need to be burned to get rid of the smell.
Maybe they will fry up a free Christmas turkey and give the fire department something to do. Sad that I work so hard for what I got when all it takes is an overdose and a pile of liberal guilt to get what normal humans work for everyday.
Niggers are useless. But man are they good at gibs me dat.
Dey gots PHD's in GIbs Muh Dat!!
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Senior Trustee
Don’t mean to hurt your feelings, bud, but that story does not make me feel good.Niggers Dying of carbon monoxide from a kerosene heater or From the house catching on fire. Now that would be a feel good story! I guess I’m just old-fashioned that way! Lol!
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Super Moderator
Senior Crime Reporter
LT. Colonel
Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.
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