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  1. #1
    Chimpout Member
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    Thumbs up Mudshark in my Neighborhood

    I gotz a mudshark living a few houses away frum me in mah neighborhood.

    Yep, dey are everywhere now, even in formerly respectable, upper class subdevizions.

    Dis shark has unfortunately produced one curly mop top halfbreed boy sprog already.

    I just learn'd the shark is now prego with a second sprog, yet another boy.

    It just posted on Fakebook a classic mudshark picture with her pet nigger and the sprog along with the timeless caption of 'deezon has becum de daddy I knew he could become'.

    UH OH...I think we gotz a futuh beatdown comin' for this blonde fat nigga devotee.

    Wen I seez da Poleez cars in the hood soon, i'll report back.
    Actively trying to avoid worthless niggers daily. Get Nigs OUT of the United States NOW!

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  3. #2
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    She good as ded, and shit. Jiglets too

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  5. #3
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    Mudsharks ruin whole families. When I bought my house in 2000, there was a white couple living across the street w/a college age daughter.Now, I don’t see my neighbors much because we all live on2.5 acre lots or more. But somehow I got to know them a bit and they were tolerable. until I found out their daughter dated, married a nigger and had a zebra buck
    My wife and daughters were sort of friendly to them with hello and goodbye if they seen them. I had no respect and I let them know that anyone who allows their daughter to marry niggers is a worthless sack of shit.
    In around 2019, it all got worse. The grandson,a teenaper and the divorced mudshark came to live with the worthless shitsacks who approved their daughters’ committing beastiality. Along with their pitbull mix who they allow the roam the neighborhood on occasion. I like dogs. But this one used to come onto my property and start shit with my dog(just like a nigger). one day I was pressure washing the driveway in front of my storage building. I had my gate open. The dog walked down my long 50 yard driveway. good thing that my wife had our dog out with her and our grandson in the Jeep at the time.. I had my kitty cats in a little mesh tent in front of my house on the porch.
    The dog started barking at my cats.I tried to Scare it away with a little water, and it came near me, snarling.Well, it got hit in the eye with my pressure washer right in front of the old man from across the street who is trespassing on my property uninvited at the time! He thought what I did was unnecessary and he called the police.
    Nothing happened. They later tried to send me a vet bill, but I wiped my arse with it and flushed it! The old fuck came over and told me I owed him $1500 because the dog lost a fucking eye. I told him he was also gonna lose an eye if he didn’t leave. After that, we were no longer friendly each other. Shortly afterwards, he had a stroke, and became disabled,
    He soon croaked and the wife went to assisted-living. Shark sold the home and now a white couple from New York live there. They had their Kamala signs. And we don’t speak much. But they know not to fuck with me. So it’s cool.
    But as far as the mud shark goes. You need to watch the halfbreed. It will probably steal and do fucked up things around the neighborhood. But that fambly will eventually fuck itself,hopefully lose everything and be forced out. Niggers are a disease. they will infect anything they will turn to shit quickly enough! That’s what happened to the couple across the street!

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  7. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by NigOUT View Post
    I gotz a mudshark living a few houses away frum me in mah neighborhood.

    Yep, dey are everywhere now, even in formerly respectable, upper class subdevizions.

    Dis shark has unfortunately produced one curly mop top halfbreed boy sprog already.

    I just learn'd the shark is now prego with a second sprog, yet another boy.

    It just posted on Fakebook a classic mudshark picture with her pet nigger and the sprog along with the timeless caption of 'deezon has becum de daddy I knew he could become'.

    UH OH...I think we gotz a futuh beatdown comin' for this blonde fat nigga devotee.

    Wen I seez da Poleez cars in the hood soon, i'll report back.
    Please do!! The mudshark mortuary needs updated repoats n' SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT!!

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  9. #5
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    A neighbor's kid became a Mudshark pretty early. This was still very unusual in the Midwest and she wasn't even a stereotype shark you would think would hook up like that. She wasn't particularly attractive. But wasn't one of those fat bimboes who otherwise couldn't get laid. She was about my older brother's age and her brother was about my younger sister's age. I'm wondering if she would have sharked, had it been the other way around where the brother would have been the older sibling. Her dad had a good job as an engineer working at General Motors. The family was otherwise normal. Around the holidays, her mom would bake a gingerbread house and invite us kids, while I was at her neighbor's kids house.
    The family were Lutherans, her dad being second generation German and her mom also German from an earlier generation. Anyways, her dad cut her off completely, never having spoken to her again, while I was still living at my parent's house. She went and shacked up with it somewhere, during when. I'd find all of this out, because my mom would speak with her mom, kiddie corner over the fence. My mom didn't make enemies with her mom, despite that my mom didn't approve of having Ennwerds around. I guess, she sympathized with the other mom's negative experience and family upheaval. Back then, doing these things was as good as unknown, maybe except on both coasts.
    The only other Mudshark I ever met as a kid was a classmate's single mom. They lived in a more low-income part of town. He had a little brother who ate dirt. Which is a sign of malnourishment through neglect. I don't know if they shared the same dad or not. One day while visitting, I saw a Goblin half sibling of his.
    This classmate was a disrupter at school. But was an okay guy to get along with. One day, he was clowning around to the point where one of our 4th grade teacher's grumpiness made her grab him and stick him behind the door, repeatedly crushing him behind it and the wall. It didn't seem to disturb him, though. He had flunked a class, sometime previous to ours
    Humiliation through derision, since 1965

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