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Thread: Nigger Tenant

  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest

    Nigger Tenant

    Nigger loses their job, decides they are moving out.
    Lease still has 8 months on it.
    Has stopped paying rent.
    Attorney's won't help me with the eviction - need to ensure I do it properly. Need to ask the State Bar was the most recent recommendation.

    Nigger moved pets in, but never informed me, nor paid pet rent,
    Dog always barked like an asshole at the little old lady next door, pet cleaning supplies in the trash, stains jn the carpet, and an accidental admission via text when they ranted about how much they are the victim because they lost their job
    Nigger sucked at doing yard work according to little old lady,
    Lawn is 4 inches long, not raked at all,
    House needed $400+ in cleaning - $400 at a friendly discount

    Nigger lost their I.T. job because of their shoulder. Which tracks, because you use your brain to think in I.T. not your shoulder.
    Unemployment is barely over 4%.
    Nigger claimed they had to switch careers, which just tells you how bad they were at their job.

    Things could have been so much worse. I have Somali tenants in another property who live in filth. I fear a roach infestation, in the northern Midwest, where it gets 50 below, of all places. Niggers are the only people who have roaches out here I've heard of. Didn't even know it was possible.

    Could be so much worse.

    Funny thing, a third property, white tenants to white tenants, we did a lease transfer/takeover. All 8 of us agreed to and signed the transfer in less than 24 hours. No haggling, no bullshit. They handled the security deposit transfer between them without an agreement it seems, they just did the honest thing.

    Every cowardly nigger, street shitting Indian, mudskin Somali, every shitskin has played dumb about proof of insurance or tried to "negotiate" offering nothing in return, tried to put property damage blame on me for things they broke i.e. rubber duck flushed down the toilet, just dishonest pieces of shit, all of them.

    No good deed goes unpunished, but especially when you do it for a nigger.

    Niggers are absolutely unreliable, untrustworthy, dirty wild animals. Fuck niggers.

    Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk

  2. #2
    no renting to simians
    Chimpout Guest

    do not rent to simians

    Never rent to niggers.
    Moral of the story.

    For everyone else, do your due diligence. For niggers, it's a hard no.

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  4. #3
    Senior Trustee
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    When my sister and I owned apartments in New Haven,Connecticut, she rented to a nigger fambly of 3 against my will. But I’m here in Florida, so I couldn’t stop it. It ended bad.getting involved with niggs always ends bad.

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  6. #4
    Senior Corrections Officer
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    Self inflicted wound. Next time no niggers. Niggers always bring problems, they ruin everything and everywhere they reside, every time.
    What's the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth? About 6 months.
    A Threat to Democracy really means a threat to the American Communist Democrats Power.

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  8. #5
    Chimpout Guest
    You can't expect them NOT to fuck everything up. NAPA firmware is still stuck in the times when their ancestors were living in mud huts before they were exported to the New World (by their fellow chimps).

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