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  1. #1
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    Police follow niggerian in stolen Jeep to a govt welfare fraud niggerpad

    In 2021, near the peak of the coronavirus pandemic, investigators tailed a Jeep Cherokee stolen from an airport Avis to a New York City apartment they called a "fraud factory" – no furniture, just an air mattress, a computer, stacks of loan and tax forms, and a shredder.

    Two men who had first met in prison – Adedayo Ilori, 43, and Chris Recamier, 59 – were using stolen identities and fake paperwork to falsely claim they employed 200 people, bilking the federal government's pandemic-relief programs of more than $1 million, according to federal prosecutors. They used the stolen money to splurge on big-ticket purchases, such as cryptocurrency, leasing luxury apartments and a Mercedes, the evidence showed.

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  3. #2
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    You have to applaud the effort anyway. Niggers would have never thought of this, the other guy mentioned must be white.
    What's the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth? About 6 months.
    A Threat to Democracy really means a threat to the American Communist Democrats Power.

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  5. #3
    Chimpout Member
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    Steal a million, then start blowing it on luxury apartments and a Mercedes - "nigger rich" never changes, does it?
    "They is four things that can destroy the earth. Women, whiskey, money, and niggers."
    - Blood Meridian

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  7. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nigroids View Post
    Steal a million, then start blowing it on luxury apartments and a Mercedes - "nigger rich" never changes, does it?

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  9. #5
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    Some of those niggerians freaks have super high IQs, but the rest of those stupid niggers bring down their average.
    The only "advanced nigger run nation" in the world, Wakanda, is in a pre-adolescent, comic book, super hero fantasy created by whites.
    I learned racism from the nigs. I am not a white supremacist, just a black inferioricist.

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