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  1. #21
    Chimpout Member
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    Exactly. Putting "Jews" in quotes in this context is spot on. If they even go to temple to keep up appearances, it's going to be one of those ultra-liberal ones where they probably sit around questioning the existence of God. Their real religion is Communism, and the means of establishing it are as you say niggerloving in Hollywood, TV, academia, and the mass media. If they weren't so focused on their mission they might have noticed by now that there's no difference between the Nazis who tried to exterminate their ancestors and all the OTHER socialist regimes in history. Too sad really.

    EDIT: Leaving aside the fact that the leaders of BLM actually called themselves Marxists, it might seem unclear how we get from niggers running wild to Communism. It's called race war followed by martial law, followed by the establishment of the Uniparty. That's why it's absolutely imperative that the Democrats be kept out of power as much as possible if people value their freedom. This might seem hypocritical, but really it's just plain survival of the country vs. 1984, because that's what the WEF wants, and socialist-leaning leaders around the world go to their conferences and take their advice.

    If the Dems ever come to the realization that they need to purge their ranks of Marxists and throw away concepts like DEI, reduced (or no) sentences for nigger felons, and flooding the country with illegals, they should be allowed to enter public life again, but until then they should be regarded as traitors.

  2. #22
    Chimpout Guest

    The Bible

    In Leviticus 18:23 the Bible states that humans should not lay down with the beasts. The coal burners and oil drillers of the world are the Christians who need to worry about burning in hell.

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