Tell it like it is
Chimpout Guest
Difficult question
I claim to be a Christian, and try to live that life.....Good husband, go to church, help others...
But I really struggle with what can only be described as a hatred for niggers.
They are at the center of crime that is destroying our country....
They are the epitome of liars, thieves, murderers , and all immorality.
I just saw on tv where two niggers best and robbed a Mississippi preacher whose car broke down in Memphis.
But yet he won't condemn the people who did this....
Is it anti Christian to tell the truth and call out these predators for what they are????
Is not telling the truth responsible behavior, even if it offends??
I don't want to go to Hell over my feelings for niggers, but how else can a person look at them, when all they do is kill and ruin the things we care about???
Anybody else feel this way?
Senior Trustee
LT. Colonel
They are the epitome of liars, thieves, murderers , and all immorality.
No matter if you are religious or not, (I am not) statistics don't lie and there is nothing "un-Christian" about speaking the truth. Niggers are savage, amoral, feral sub-simians with low IQs, zero impulse control, and hypersexual. They are not like us, so the standards for humanity do not apply to them. Self-preservation is our strongest instinct, which tells us to avoid niggers at all costs. Follow your instincts and don't feel bad about doing so.
"Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."
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Senior Corrections Officer
It's natural human behavior to hate the nigger. In nature dangerous things are colored. That's why niggers are black so you can see the danger easily. Do not feel that you are going against Christian values because you are embracing the truth. You are in the right place to discuss all things nigger, that is all we do here. Sign up, read the rules and have a great time venting your frustration with all things nigger, enjoy.
What's the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth? About 6 months.
A Threat to Democracy really means a threat to the American Communist Democrats Power.
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Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer

Originally Posted by
Niggers are Useless
It's natural human behavior to hate the nigger. In nature dangerous things are colored. That's why niggers are black so you can see the danger easily.
I can agree with that! I can't forget the hissy-fit my mild-mannered little Beagle threw when he met his first, and only, nigger. He couldn't have made more of a ruckus if he had just met the Creature from the Black Lagoon!
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Senior Trustee
Niggers are demons.They bear the mark of the beast..So,yes it’s right for a Christian to hate them.
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Chimpout Guest
the masters

Originally Posted by
I'm an atheist and I hate niggers too. I hate niggers, Muslims, liberals, DEI, *ILLEGAL* migrants, etc. If it were up to me, they'd all be gathered and flown 200+ miles over international waters and pushed from the back of cargo planes. Niggers, commies, muzzies, trannies just 'vanished'.
I'd punish their enablers first. We sent the enablers $250B in aid to kick off WW3. Push them out of a plane first.
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Chimpout Guest

Originally Posted by
Jim Crow
Niggers are demons.They bear the mark of the beast..So,yes it’s right for a Christian to hate them.
They are socialist pets.
Chimpout Guest

Originally Posted by
I'd punish their enablers first. We sent the enablers $250B in aid to kick off WW3. Push them out of a plane first.
Jews are not the problem.
The biggest nigger enablers are bleeding-heart liberals and their generalized faggotry. But there's hope - go woke, go broke! Bud light, Target, Nike, Disney, and every other major brand that insists on pushing their DEI/Trans/Mudslime-loving nonsense is gonna shoot itself in both feet.
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Originally Posted by
Tell it like it is
I don't want to go to Hell
According to The Bible(KJV) you Don't wind up in Hell for Hating niggers, you wind up in Hell for Not accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. It's that simple, I have the same problem, hating niggers,and for most of the reasons stated. What do you do? What I do....is Pray, part of my daily routine.....
I'm a devout Christian. I can't stop hating niggers. I just can't. I ask to have some understanding but the niggers always demonstrate they're not human. I can't accept their sheer violence and ugliness. At this point all I can do is acknowledge I can't accept them as humans.
Coalburning is bestiality.
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Senior Trustee
But niggers are not human. They are not on the same level. So there is no need to feel bad. When you step on a cockroach, do you feel bad?
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Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer
Even Jesus flipped over a few tables
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Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer

Originally Posted by
No matter if you are religious or not, (I am not) statistics don't lie and there is nothing "un-Christian" about speaking the truth. Niggers are savage, amoral, feral sub-simians with low IQs, zero impulse control, and hypersexual. They are not like us, so the standards for humanity do not apply to them. Self-preservation is our strongest instinct, which tells us to avoid niggers at all costs. Follow your instincts and don't feel bad about doing so.
Quite well said
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Tell it like it is
Chimpout Guest
Thanks for the advice and encouraging words.
This is something I struggle with daily, but for all my trying I just can't overlook the evil that niggers spread everywhere they go.
I wish it were not so, but to deny the truth is just being a fool.
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Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer
Chimpout Guest

Originally Posted by
Jews are not the problem.
The biggest nigger enablers are bleeding-heart liberals and their generalized faggotry. But there's hope - go woke, go broke! Bud light, Target, Nike, Disney, and every other major brand that insists on pushing their DEI/Trans/Mudslime-loving nonsense is gonna shoot itself in both feet.
Exactly, these same "Anti-Zionist" Jewish Organization are coddling with Cameljockey Niggers like what's happening on Gazastan where Bibi doing Warhammer-style Total Snigger Death from above.
Now they're demanding Shekels And Dollars for their cause supporting their Muzzie Pets.
Chimpout Guest

Originally Posted by
Exactly, these same "Anti-Zionist" Jewish Organization are coddling with Cameljockey Niggers like what's happening on Gazastan where Bibi doing Warhammer-style Total Snigger Death from above.
Now they're demanding Shekels And Dollars for their cause supporting their Muzzie Pets.
"Liberal" Jews are the fucking worst. The bleeding-heart/SJW views they espouse border on delusion, and their activism does much more harm than good towards their fellow Jews. The only other time I had seen Ahabs celebrating the wanton murder of innocent civvies was during 9/11, so I'm impervious to all the UNWRA propaganda showing dead Pali crotch-droppings.
Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer
Scratch a leftist, expose an antisemite. Every. Single. Time. These Jew -hating sons of bitches were out in the streets screaming "death to Jews" before Netanyahu even had a chance to react to the Hamas massacre and mass kidnapping. Deport them all to the asslifter countries they love so much.
Chimpout Guest
Noticing isn't "antisemitic".
I view the "free palestine" liberal trash on the same level as I do niggers. A lot of them are niggers, anyway. Just look at college campus protests. That still doesn't negate the fact that everyone is "noticing" and starting to wake up to the handlers. Google "lebron james" and "rabbi pinto".
Niggers are their bioweapons against us.
Chimpout Guest

Originally Posted by
I view the "free palestine" liberal trash on the same level as I do niggers. A lot of them are niggers, anyway. Just look at college campus protests. That still doesn't negate the fact that everyone is "noticing" and starting to wake up to the handlers. Google "lebron james" and "rabbi pinto".
Niggers are their bioweapons against us.
Nah. Those "Jews" are your run-of-the-mill nigger-loving commie cocksuckers on my book. No self-respecting person would ever consider an average NAPA to be his equal. 97.5% of nigs are not even worth the atoms sequestered by the molecules that make up their bodies. Those "Jews" that are trying to shove niggers, mudslimes, and communist BS down our throats should be paradropped in Dhaka, Islamabad, Aleppo, Baghdad, or any large dune-coon settlement and see how long they'd last before being butchered by adherents to the "Religion of Peace". Likewise, it'd be poetic justice if every liberal cuck and shrew in America and Europe were paradropped with no supplies in the middle of Africa to see how long they'd last before being muhdikked and ending up on the menu after spending countless years of their lives trying to convince us that niggers are our equals.