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  1. #1
    Chimpout Member
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    Olympic nigger loving fest on TV

    Yesterday while watching some all-white horse jumping, I noticed every coonmercial for 3 entire minutes was just loaded with NIGGERs and nothing but fucking blackest greasiest niggers, 100% niggers in every fucking commercial, that's like 8 commercials in a row nothing but 100% shitskins. This is what TV is trying to force on you and your family. And some cucks act like their is no agenda being pushed on TV and they didn't notice.

    I was just imagining how other people in other countries watching this (I hope they are not), view our country and this bullshit propaganda that is nigger loving ads. They must think it's all stupid niggers over here in North America, and that we love these poopskin shitbeasts,

    and some of them the more stupid ones, might actually think these niggers are the coolest, our heroes, and running the show.

    the question is now that they've FULLY NIGGERFIED all commercials, what's next?

    Why is this allowed????

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  3. #2
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    I’m glad I decided not to watch the Olympics this year.Besides the nigger loving, they’re allowing men to compete in women’s sports.

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  5. #3
    Ignatow's Avatar
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    My GF watches the equestrian events on the NBC app, streaming. No nigger ads. And I don't think I've seen a nigger horse rider. Just wait. It's a sport that will aim to be "inclusive".

    Yes, there's no end to nigger worship. Good thing about swimming, niggers sink.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

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