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Woman says the word nigger on video, niggers & nigger lovers chimpout
Recently a woman named Lilly is being witch hunted by niggers and nigger lovers alike for simply saying the magic word 'nigga's' (not niggers) on a tiktok video which of course as you know is WAY more incriminating than a nigger causing crime. She got fired from her job and thanked the niggers for launching her conservative media platform. Lilly is also anti lgbt too from the looks of it, basically she's normal in a world where normalcy isn't allowed anymore. I swear it's funny isn't it? A nigger causes crime, people don't bother to start a witch hunt of all their online profiles and just forget about it in a few days because they accept this as a normal day in America. A random person says the word 'nigga' which the niggers themselves use frequently and all of a sudden people start a mob, try to dig up any information they can find like the useful idiots they are, cancel them, have them fired from their job and make their life a living hell. And remember, all this commotion is all because someone said the word nigga, not because they committed a heinous crime like a typical nigger does. Lilly should stand her ground is what my advice would be if I could talk to her. I wish Lilly good luck in her future endeavors, God knows all the woke hounds are going to be chasing her left and right after this fiasco so I hope she remains strong.

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Originally Posted by
Recently a woman named Lilly is being witch hunted by niggers and nigger lovers alike for simply saying the magic word 'nigga's' (not niggers) on a tiktok video which of course as you know is WAY more incriminating than a nigger causing crime. She got fired from her job and thanked the niggers for launching her conservative media platform. Lilly is also anti lgbt too from the looks of it, basically she's normal in a world where normalcy isn't allowed anymore. I swear it's funny isn't it? A nigger causes crime, people don't bother to start a witch hunt of all their online profiles and just forget about it in a few days because they accept this as a normal day in America. A random person says the word 'nigga' which the niggers themselves use frequently and all of a sudden people start a mob, try to dig up any information they can find like the useful idiots they are, cancel them, have them fired from their job and make their life a living hell. And remember, all this commotion is all because someone said the word nigga, not because they committed a heinous crime like a typical nigger does. Lilly should stand her ground is what my advice would be if I could talk to her. I wish Lilly good luck in her future endeavors, God knows all the woke hounds are going to be chasing her left and right after this fiasco so I hope she remains strong.
Niggers say "nigger" all day long. Call each other nigger.
This deal is as ridiculous as police being ordered to arrest people for making skid marks on "pride" rainbows painted on city streets.
Meanwhile the left is using their pet niggers to terrorize the American people and burn the American civilization to the ground.
I hope this lady prospers with her Conservative endeavor.
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Senior Trustee
I read about this the other day.I also like the fact that not only wasn’t she apologetic, she doubled down on it!
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Senior Trustee
NIGGER ! See, I said it !
Tough on niggers and the causes of niggers !
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Senior Corrections Officer
Send that woman a link to chimpout . Good job Lilly don't give in to the woke mob. Niggers do worse crimes every 10 seconds than saying a word that means nothing to niggers anyway. The libtards and mudsharks destroying her have not had the full nigger experience yet, and even then, some are too stupid to change.
What a clown world we live in. Dang.
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Corrections Officer
Even though her mind is in the right place, her solution falls far short from being enuff. First of all, the end result of getting knocked up for starting an army will take twenty years, from conception to the point to where you'll have a properly trained soldier for any race war. In between, uninterrupted food supply insecurity and the spectre of a possible gun confiscation within two decades are more highly likely than not to happen, if we remain on this present course.
The Israelis are showing us that the only solution to a birth Jihad and to a Conquista is an immediate and ruthless final one. Unlike lawlessness enforcement in western Europe, Israeli law enforcement dosen't even bother with questioning motives and doesen't bother with revolving door "justice" and fake psychiatric warehousing. As soon as a Fifth Columnist begins rampaging with either knife or bomb belt there, he or she gets immediately goatwing'd.
Germany is rapidly overtaking Prance's Guiness Book record: https://www.breitbart.com/europe/202...tacks-per-day/ Unfortunately, getting an accurate account of Germany's Jihad victimization involves looking this horror up in German. Looking it up in English only results in getting a collection of repeated incidents: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=daily+knif...germany&ia=web
Humiliation through derision, since 1965
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Senior Trustee
While I am not a fan of "influencers" in general, this girl is cool! Especially kudos that she doesn't give in.