LT. Colonel
So guess what's happened since my town opened up a "youth center"
I meant to post about this back a few months ago. Maybe it's just as well because it proves exactly what I knew would happen. That day, I was talking with a neighbor outside his house when a niglet zipped by, on what you can bet was a stolen bike. Niggers around here are not unknown, but they are rare enough to be noticed like a giant black fly on a bowl of rice. My friend is one of those light-skinned Cubans considered by liberals to be a traitor, meaning he's an awesome guy who lives in reality, and we both looked at that niglet with the same look of suspicion. I said that I didn't recognize it, "Where did that come from?" He said that there have been a bunch of them ever since the "youth center" got opened up on the other side of our neighborhood, and they're running around casing the area. I hadn't heard about the "facility for underprivileged children" and would have absolutely spoken up against at a town council meeting.
Once the weather got warmer, guess what. We used to be a neighborhood of kids leaving their bikes out for a while, until several have been stolen in recent weeks. A few days ago, one neighbor's little girl was playing at the local park, and "someone" stole her scooter but left the helmet. She didn't see the thief, but I'll give you three guesses, and you'll only need one. Now another neighbor a couple of streets over had his windshield hit, leaving a big crack, and some cartoon drawing was left under a wiper blade. It looks like Mr. Potato Head on a skateboard, and that skateboard is a tell-tale sign.
I'm just saying, once upon a time a nigger didn't dare look the wrong way at a white woman. Now even here, niggers and especially niglets will steal anything not locked down, because they know nothing will happen to them. Niggers are masters of having the youngest niglets run up and steal something, then claim "Ahz told dat chile tuh leabbs dat alone!" because they know cops won't even file a report. I've told Mrs. S that we can't duck inside the house and leave the garage door open, even for a minute.
We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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