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Japanese residents fight to keep asslifters from creating mudslime cemetery in Hiji
Japan needs mudslime parasite cockroaches like my elbow needs an asshole. 
In Japan, plan for dedicated Muslim cemetery in Hiji faces opposition from locals

There are just seven Muslim burial sites in the country, meaning bereaved families must travel far from their homes and at great cost
Boo fuckin' Hoo, cry me a friggin' river.
Hiji residents’ claims that burials will contaminate the soil and water have been dismissed by Muslim leaders in Japan, where cremation is more common
Mudslimes are contamination in and of themselves. Have they formed any rape gangs there yet? Had any honor killings recently? How about any delightful terrorist attacks? If you haven't yet, you soon will.

Muslims across southern Japan are waiting on the outcome of a vote in the town of Hiji to find out if they have a place to bury their dead, although a petition opposing the proposal has been circulating in the community.
Local residents claim that the Muslim tradition of burying a body, as opposed to cremation, poses a threat to the health of local people as contaminants will leech into the soil as well as local water sources used for crop irrigation and drinking – a stance local Muslim leaders say makes absolutely no sense.
“We built our mosque in Beppu about 10 years ago, and as soon as that was completed we started on our next project, finding a place where Muslims can be buried according to our customs,” said Khan Muhammad Tahir Abbas, head of the Beppu Muslim Association. Beppu is about 13km away from Hiji, in Oita prefecture on Kyushu.
“We went to the Beppu city office many, many times to ask what we needed to do and they never refused our request to have a graveyard, but they never accepted us either,” he said. “They just didn’t do anything.”
There are an estimated 200,000 Muslims living across Japan, with around 1,000 residing in Oita prefecture. But while mosques have become fairly commonplace in many major cities, there is resistance among Japanese residents to the concept of burials.
There are only seven dedicated Muslim cemeteries in the country, but none at present on the island of Kyushu or in north-eastern Japan, meaning that bereaved families must take their dead to parts of the country that are far from their homes and at great cost.

Some of Hiji’s 28,500 residents, however, have made their opposition clear. People living in two town districts close to the land earmarked for the cemetery have signed a petition demanding that the request be refused, and have submitted it to the town office and local assembly.
Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.
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LT. Colonel
Mudslimes are even taking donations. How nice.

Let us build a new Muslim graveyard in Japan!
[Important Notice as of Mar 01, 2024]
We need to find a new location for this graveyard project because the piece of land described below became unavailable by the land owner due to a protest and an anti-Islamic petition signed by more than 100 local non-Muslim city council members. It happened just while paying the 1st installment so we did not lose any money Alhamdulillah. We shall continue this campaign and started looking for a new land InshaAllah.
Please stay with us to raise the flag and spread the peace of Islam in Japan.

Religion of peace. Piss be upon him.
Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.
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Senior Corrections Officer
Don't cave to their demands Japan. You let them have one little win and next thing you know they are everywhere. They will destroy your culture. Just look at the damage they are doing here in the U.S.
Tell them asslifters that there is a dumpster out back use that.
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Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer
What the hell, why did they let these lunatics into their beautiful country in the first place? I had no idea until now, sad news indeed.
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Senior Trustee
Holy hell, I hope the Japanese won't back down! They are probably the last sane Western country! Luckily, they do have a lot of volcanoes, I'd suggest putting the rotten ass-lifters right in there, back in hell where they belong.
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Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer
Logistically Western they're not. But is the only First World country in Asia
Humiliation through derision, since 1965
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Senior Trustee
LT. Colonel

Originally Posted by
Whitey Ford
How do you say GIBS MUH DAT in Arabic?!
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Senior Trustee
LT. Colonel
There are just seven Muslim burial sites in the country, meaning bereaved families must travel far from their homes and at great cost
At great cost? Oh, no. Where can I donate to the fund to plant dead muzzies?
So they chose to go "far from their homes" and invade other countries and we're supposed to sympathize that other countries are resisting the invasion? Got it.
"Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."
Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer

Originally Posted by
Logistically Western they're not. But is the only First World country in Asia
Come on - Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan
Yes, eastern Asians do not belong among shitskins.
In a quite renowned book "Guns, germs, and steel", the author explains that only communities of people who adopted agricultural life (In addition to obvious hunters/gatherers, the nomad shepherds also do not fit his definition.) has potential to succeed, which mainly holds for European-origin society and eastern Asians. But the author also states that stupid acts of rulers may (usually temporarily, but may be a really long period) nevertheless send the respective civilization far behind their potential. Examples are today's China, North Korea or 18th century Poland.
Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer

Originally Posted by
Come on - Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan...
Theoretically, yes. Officially, not yet: https://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/first_world.htm
Yes, eastern Asians do not belong among shitskins...

Originally Posted by
...stupid acts of rulers may (usually temporarily, but may be a really long period) nevertheless send the respective civilization far behind their potential. Examples are today's China...
The Imperial Japanese rightfully described them as subhumans (are we even allowed to bash them here?), after having witnessed the cruelty they applied to animals. Thus, treating them reciprocally in a like manner:
Humiliation through derision, since 1965
Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer
Nihonjin wa mudslimes Sugoi Kirai. Nani Yatten Dayo! Karambo mo.
Japanese hate muzzies. Wtf! Niggers too..
Senior Trustee
Japan has been admitting foreign immigrants for some time now. The crime rate has exploded. The last pure territory on earth is being diluted. It's all in the plan.
Tough on niggers and the causes of niggers !
Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer
Perhaps, they've gotten used to U.S. Army base Tee Enn Bee?
...His case has been cited as evidence of why sex-crime victims say they don’t trust the military to protect them...
Humiliation through derision, since 1965
Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer
When there's no oversight into what's going on at Fort Da Hood, what can anyone expect to happen overseas:
Humiliation through derision, since 1965