Senior Trustee
Can you believe this shit?
Today was a short day. All we had to do was grout a small shower we finished building on Saturday. Along with the check he owed, the customer gave my work partner and I a $100 bill each!
On the way to Bank to cash check, we decided to stop at Hardee’s for biscuits with sausage gravy! There is a purple haired sherilla at the counter.We order our sausage and gravy meals.
My work partner and I take turns buying each other’s meals every day. It is my turn, so I whip out $100 bill, which was marked 2023 with the stripe and the watermarks.
Sherilla takes out some kind of highlighter, puts a stripe on my Franklin dollar and tells me it’s fake and sez”I has to keep it foe da police “as it is walking quikly towards the back I’m like “what the fuck! don’t go anywhere with my fucking money!”
I immediately run behind the counter ,attempting to get my fucking money out of this fucking nigger’s hand!
The manager who is an older white gentleman hears the commotion, comes to the front and asks”what’s going on?” I go there a lot, and he’s waited on me before,so he was very diplomatic.
I told him “this thing at the counter took my hundred dollar bill and tried to steal it,I know that’s why it was heading to the back. It was going to do the old switcheroo”!
Nigger had no chance to switch that bill before the manger got a chance to examine it. All he did was hold it up for the light like I did and he could tell it was 100% legit.
He gave me back my $100 bill and said “sorry for the mistake”. I was ready to leave with my work partner when manager told us to sit down and breakfast was on the house.
I really wasn’t hungry anymore. But my work partner told me to relax and take the free meal. The manager came to our table with the food. And again he apologized. He said “sorry for the mistake “. I replied you’re a gentleman and a scholar, but you know that wasn’t a mistake and you need to fire that thing “ He just gave me a bittersweet smile and walked away..
Lately, I’ve been having some real problems with the fucking Savage beasts around here. I’m glad this one turned out well. I guess I’ll never buy anything from a counter nigger with $100 bill anymore.
Last edited by Jim Crow; 05-13-2024 at 01:03 PM.
Reason: Spelling and wording
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Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer
I wouldn't hand a nigger so much as a damn penny. Glad you got your C-Note back.
Nigger: "Yo, dawg, lemee up in yo crib." Me: Stares in 12 gauge.
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Senior Trustee
LT. Colonel

Originally Posted by
Jim Crow
Today was a short day. All we had to do was grout a small shower we finished building on Saturday. Along with the check he owed, the customer gave my work partner and I a $100 bill each!
On the way to Bank to cash check, we decided to stop at Hardee’s for biscuits with sausage gravy! There is a purple haired sherilla at the counter.We order our sausage and gravy meals.
My work partner and I take turns buying each other’s meals every day. It is my turn, so I whip out $100 bill, which was marked 2023 with the stripe and the watermarks.
Sherilla takes out some kind of highlighter, puts a stripe on my Franklin dollar and tells me it’s fake and sez”I has to keep it foe da police “as it is walking quikly towards the back I’m like “what the fuck! don’t go anywhere with my fucking money!”
I immediately run behind the counter ,attempting to get my fucking money out of this fucking nigger’s hand!
The manager who is an older white gentleman hears the commotion, comes to the front and asks”what’s going on?” I go there a lot, and he’s waited on me before,so he was very diplomatic.
I told him “this thing at the counter took my hundred dollar bill and tried to steal it,I know that’s why it was heading to the back. It was going to do the old switcheroo”!
Nigger had no chance to switch that bill before the manger got a chance to examine it. All he did was hold it up for the light like I did and he could tell it was 100% legit.
He gave me back my $100 bill and said “sorry for the mistake”. I was ready to leave with my work partner when manager told us to sit down and breakfast was on the house.
I really wasn’t hungry anymore. But my work partner told me to relax and take the free meal. The manager came to our table with the food. And again he apologized. He said “sorry for the mistake “. I replied you’re a gentleman and a scholar, but you know that wasn’t a mistake and you need to fire that thing “ He just gave me a bittersweet smile and walked away..
Lately, I’ve been having some real problems with the fucking Savage beasts around here. I’m glad this one turned out well. I guess I’ll never buy anything from a counter nigger with $100 bill anymore.
Hopefully he FIRED the purple-haired sheboon!!
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Senior Trustee

Originally Posted by
Coon Town
I wouldn't hand a nigger so much as a damn penny. Glad you got your C-Note back.
Thing is,that I knew it was a close to brand new bill.You could smell it,see the strip and watermark. There was no need to even take a marker to it. I truly believe that shit skin beast was going to rob me and I was about to beat the fuck out of it. I’m serious! If that piece of shit switched up my money to steal it, I would be in jail right now, because I was had already decided where my first punch would land. as much as I love Hardee’s biscuits and gravy, I’ll probably never be going back. Because no, I don’t think they fired that thing.
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Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer
Employers are many times between a rock and a hard place about hiring. By law they may be required to hire a certain number of "minorities" (niggers), qualified or not. Once hired, it's nearly impossible to get rid of them. If they are a pain as employees, just watch what happens if you fire one.
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Senior Trustee
That's how the George Monkey Floyd saga started remember ? Fake bill to neck necklace. Make your own sandwiches and snacks. You know who touched it and what went in it.
Tough on niggers and the causes of niggers !
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LT. Colonel

Originally Posted by
Jim Crow
Thing is,that I knew it was a close to brand new bill.You could smell it,see the strip and watermark. There was no need to even take a marker to it. I truly believe that shit skin beast was going to rob me and I was about to beat the fuck out of it. I’m serious! If that piece of shit switched up my money to steal it, I would be in jail right now, because I was had already decided where my first punch would land. as much as I love Hardee’s biscuits and gravy, I’ll probably never be going back. Because no, I don’t think they fired that thing.
Nothing against you, of course, my friend, but when I did retail, we always swiped the pen across. It was our routine, no matter how old or new or legit a bill looked. There are just so many good fakes. Regular customers might be passing along what they don't know are fakes. But with a nigger, absolutely it was going to do a switcheroo, with a $10 or $20 that it had already lifted from the till. Then it would say to the manager, "See, ahz juz gone holds dis foh da po-po," and you would have no proof of what you handed over.

Originally Posted by
Employers are many times between a rock and a hard place about hiring. By law they may be required to hire a certain number of "minorities" (niggers), qualified or not. Once hired, it's nearly impossible to get rid of them. If they are a pain as employees, just watch what happens if you fire one.
Some nigger or niggerlover on a town council decides that some niglet needs a job, and they shake down a local business. Job description: "All you can steal."
We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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