Yes, after Papa John uttered the evil word "nigger," neo-nazi's (cartoon hitler fans and cookie cutter not-sees) took to the nets to sing its praises. They had to hire a 400lb negroid who used to throw an inflated ball of air around to save its tarnished brand.
Neo-Nazis hijacked Papa John’s brand. Can Shaq take it back?

In January 2018, Schnatter stepped down as the CEO of the company following criticism of NFL leadership for its handling of player protests during the national anthem; publicly blaming it for a decline in pizza sales.
It forced out John Schnatter, the chain’s founder and longtime public face. It appointed its first executive focused on diversity and inclusion. It established a foundation that gave a $500,000 grant to help a historically black women’s college hold onto its accreditation.

And on Friday, in perhaps its most high-profile move, Papa John’s announced a new brand “ambassador”: basketball Hall of Famer Shaquille O’Neal.

O’Neal will join the company’s board of directors and invest in nine Papa John’s restaurants in his hometown of Atlanta, in addition to his marketing agreement with the company.

“Papa John’s is building a better culture, and I want to be a part of improving the company from the inside out,” O’Neal said in a statement.
Yes delivering "better pizza" by hiring a brain dead negroid is crucial to the betterment of humanity. And cartoon not-sees eating pizza, is bad.

‘Papa John’ Schnatter Thinks It’s Racist For Shaq To Be The Face Of Papa John’s

John Schnatter is still at war with the company he once founded.

Schnatter, the founder of Papa John’s Pizza, left the company back in 2018 after he faced internal backlash for using the n-word during a conference call.

Schnatter claims that his use of the n-word was taken out of context and assured everyone that a “day of reckoning” was going to come down on Papa John’s.

The company has since moved on by making NBA legend Shaquille O’Neal the face of the brand which doesn’t sit well with the company’s founder.

“Of all the things that was the most racist. They used a black guy to cover up what they did to a white guy. That’s racist… He was just a shield to cover up what they did to me.” Schnatter said during an interview with Jason Whitlock.