I could be mistaken, but the town in the video looks like Burlington which is one of the nicest small cities I've ever visited. Damn shame they're trying to entice niggers into the area. I'm sure they'll be proud of themselves when their kids are getting beaten and raped by feral groids.

The ex Mrs, Coon Town's family hails from Vermont and still owns a lakehouse near Vergennes. Me being a native Texan, they all used to look at me like I was one of the hillbillies from Deliverance...until they spent some time on the San Antonio riverwalk and were being accosted by niggers with their paws out. They're still libtards and one of the aunts is a mudshark married to a shitbeast with a bunch of now grown nigglets. The matriarch of the clan once remarked at a family gathering about how proud she was that their family was "diverse". I nearly puked.

Vermont is a nice place to visit, and very scenic, but the libtard factor is just too damn high. I wonder how long it will be until rapes and muggings are commonplace on Church Street in Burlington.